We've been on a roll in the rain department. But these guys are looking a little worse for the wear. Silly sheep just stood there. Must have been a nice break from the heat.

The ducks, on the other hand had a ball!

The chickens were grateful for all the bugs and worms coming to the surface.

Even my little River has been enjoying the rain.
Going to pick raspberries tomorrow. Mmmmm.... my favorite!
Great photos!
Fun photos, thanks for sharing!
great pics! love the soaked sheep! :)
Hello Julie!
Thanks so much for visiting me.
You have all the best. Looks like a great place to live, you have all these lovely animals. These sheep are cool looking. I've not seen these yet. I wish I could live in a larger property but here where I live land is expensive so, we just have a small backyard. No chickens allowed or the neighbors will call the police! :(
Anyway, loved to visit your blog!
Looks like lovely warm rain enjoyed by all! xo m.
Haha... those wet lambs art so cute!
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