Yes, the leaves are falling already, or in the case of this one, hanging suspended by a spider's web. Only the big maple in the middle of our yard/deck (deck being built around the tree). My dad thinks it's due to the work of a woodpecker that pecked away at the trunk, leaving a hole that been draining the last couple of months. The insects loved that.

And now my girls are loving it. We went out there before lunch today and had a pretend day of autumn. Building up piles of leaves and jumping in them. And the temp was cool enough not to break the fantasy.

Is it awful of me to be
so over summer already? I'm really not a hot weather gal. Not much longer, though. And this will be real.
Haha, I'm trying to really be IN summer mode too, feels like it goes so fast but I admit to have been daydreaming about fall already too. Fall really is my favorite.
Fall sounds lovely!
Summer would be awesome if it wasn't so darned hot so often. This week it's in the 80s here and far more pleasant than the last few weeks when it was in the 90s. At least now we can go play at the playground without worrying that the equipment will all be too hot.
The temp is supposed to climb back up by the end of the week, though not into the hundreds again, thank goodness. I'm so not looking forward to that!
Fall is my fav, too. And I just feel so much more creative then.
If you could only see how hot it was in Nashville right now...oh my goodness. These pictures are just making me long for Fall too!!!
What a wonderful way to spend the day. I'm with you for fall. It's the most gorgeous time of the year.
I always enjoy the change of seasons, it's just such a lovely way to embrace changes into your daily life. enjoy the last days of summer though before it gets too cold! xo m.
looks fun! the start of autumn is so refreshing~ it seems like a much more kid-friendly season too :)
I am used to hot and humid weather from Rio de Janeiro and the Summers here in Northern Arizona are very mild, it's just like winter where I come from. I love it. I just don't really love snow, I don't mind the snow that falls and melts right away but last Winter was pretty hard. Fall is nice, I like it too but I like flowers, lots of them and I don't mind if Summers are long.
You have such cute little girls!
I'm not a hot weather girl either! :) I'm thrilled to see my early-turning trees begin to take on new colors. I keep telling my husband we need to move north! (we're in NC)
Usually I love summer, but Texas is HOT right now. I to am yearning for fall and all the things that come with it. I keep wanting to make soup and curl up with a good book and a blanket
I'm definitely ready for fall. Spent the weekend in the mountains and temperatures were in the 60s! It was a wonderful break from the heat.
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