... go to the craft store today and buy some felt and possibly some yarn. I meant to go and buy a hole punch, as mine is MIA. (Funny, hole punchers are quite elusive to me. I put them away but can never, ever find them. Seriously, I've bought several in the past couple of years but can't ever figure out where I've put them, so they never get used more than once or twice. Perhaps the problem is that they can be used (in this house) for a variety of things so there's really no good one place to put them. Where would you be if you were a hole punch?)
I also needed to get a few things from the grocery store.

But, this dear, sweet baby of mine wouldn't have it. She is having a terrible time with those incoming teeth of hers and has demanded to be held and nursed and cuddled most of the day. Though,
thank goodness, I have persuaded her to take two really good naps, giving me a breather. She's in the middle of one now so I thought I would share what I've been up to.
We've broken out the paints and the girls and I have painted side by side.

(My project)

And I have been knitting and working up the pattern for
this doll.

Here she is waiting for arms. They did come out a bit long (once I got them on) and I would like one less row of garter on the hem. But the girls will be happy to have this flawed dolly, I'm sure.
Perhaps I'll shoot for town again tomorrow.