...I'm putting the baby back to sleep and making a tentative, mental Christmas list. Facing facts and realizing that, with the way business has been going thus far, I'll probably not have time to put too many handmades (by mama) under the tree this year. This is disappointing to me. There are always so many things I would love to have the time to make for my girls and other loved ones, but the goal is for business to increase... right? I think I will just have to compromise and make time to make just one special thing for each girl. Better one than none. Anyone else dealing with this have advice? Handmade gifts are important to me, it's just not my loved ones that are receiving my handmade gifts. On the other hand, I love my little shop and enjoy making a little income for me and my girls. And it means so much to me to know that others truly love what I do and appreciate my work. It's a pickle.
Fortunately, there are so many wonderful artisans doing the exact same thing and I'm able to give from crafts that I don't do.
Oh, and I am wondering; for children of close age and same sex (or not), what are your thoughts on joint gifts, that is, for both children? Obviously I won't be asking my girls to share one doll. I was thinking a dollhouse they can both enjoy and perhaps a set of dolls for it. Or the wooden toy set in the top left picture. Many pieces to both play with at once. My thought is if they belong to both girls neither can say "That's mine!". And I was also thinking this would cut down on the amount of gifts coming in, though, they will have a couple of individual gifts, as well. What are your thoughts?
1 comment:
we have three girls under 5 and are becoming big promoters of one-gift-for-them all...that way we can get them one "bigger" thing to share and enjoy together rather than 3 small unrelated things. We encourage gift-givers to do the same (board games, outside stuff, etc). Less clutter. Less junk. Hopefully less fighting over "mine mine mine".
I am going to try to make them each one mama-made gift as well, but we generally keep the gifts pretty limited and are trying to focus on establishing some meaningful traditions. We're still learning and growing though!
missy - www.allireallyneed.ca
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