Good morning and and Happy Halloween! Our giveaway this week is coming from Brandy who keeps a little Etsy shop called 'Painting Pixie'. In my house we adore Brandy's little gnomes. They are some of our very favorites. Her detailed stitch work covering these little guys is just amazing! So, lets's get to know Brandy a little better, shall we?

Tell us a little about yourself so we can know the person behind the work.
When I was twelve, my family moved to the mountains and we were fortunate to have a river in the "front yard" and a meadow surrounded by granite outcrops in the "back yard". I felt a freedom I had never experienced and I learned to listen and watch the orchastra of nature happening all round me. I was a child that could sit for long stretches of time listening to the river and watching the water lap at the shore. I would find perfect gnome homes in the twisted roots of the trees and I truly believed in fairies.
When my family moved from this enchanted place, I took with me that magical experience and it swelled in my heart. For many years my creative outlet was through illustraions. It wasn't until my first child was born that I was introduced to Waldorf-Steiner education. I taught myself how to needle felt, spin my own yarn and sew hand dolls.
Gnoming for me came about through making a doll for my son when he was a wee lad of three. I made a sweet huggable and very loved 8" gnome doll in the waldorf fashion that he called Gnomie Gnome. Gnomie Gnome went everywhere my son went and at bedtime, Gnomie Gnome "told" my son stories. I was in awe how my son's imagination was channeled into his doll. Storytime at bedtime with Gnomie Gnome lasted for months, it was part of our bedtime rhythm for a very longtime.
Through play with my son, I discovered within myself a passion to create simple, beautiful, and natural dolls that could be loved in a variety of forms. I was and am hooked on this creative form.

What inspires your creations?
Nature and the seasons are constant inspirations and I also draw on children's literature and folklore. I have found collaborating with customers through custom orders a real joy ! The idea that the dolls I make will be loved and will be a part of someone's play inspires me.

How do you balance 'making' with mothering?
Making, for me, is a partner with mothering, as is cooking and mothering, reading and mothering or say laundry and mothering. Whether it be drawing, sewing, baking, constructing, writing, etc., we, as a family are constantly making. We, as a family are also really good at making messes through our creative endeavors, not so good at cleaning them up in a timely manner, but, we are learning and we have grace for one another. For my shop, when I do have deadlines to meet, I do my very best to be focused on my work when my children are at school, so upon their return, I can be present for them.

Today Brandy is giving away the winner's choice of a Winter Berry, Solstice, Holly Berry or Mistletoe Gnome. Honestly, I don't know how you will choose!
OK, so to enter leave me a comment. You can let me know how your Monday is going or, better yet, tell me how you beat the dreadful Meltdown Monday or just say hi. Whatever.
For additional entries;
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And for this giveaway you can visit Brandy's shop and come back here and let me know what you love in her shop.
I will randomly pick a winner on Sunday November 6th and announce here, on my blog. (Please, make sure I have a way to contact you!)
*Meltdown Monday Giveaways are open worldwide.
PS: If anyone is interested in participating in a Monday Meltdown giveaway, here on my blog, contact me here. Whether an item from your Etsy shop or just a little something you would like to give away to brighten someone's Monday, it's all good!