A wise old owl sat on an oak,
The more he heard, the less he spoke,
The less he spoke, the more he heard,
Why aren't we all like that wise bird?
From A Child's Seasonal Treasury
Our school/dining space is all set up and the girls enjoy it so much.

The little ones work on modeling with beeswax, sorting jars, and other activities while Kaiya and I work on her lessons.

Our first handwork was to make felt cases for our recorders. I cut them out but she sewed hers by herself and put on her first button!

Zoe gets a little one on one time with me as we bake whole wheat rolls together.

Bean bags... Kaiya sewed half and I made the others.

Their favorite time of the day is handwork. Really, they're my daughters.. would you expect any less?! Zoe quickly picked up finger knitting while Kaiya and I sewed and then began working with wool I sheared from our sheep. Of course, I've had to sell them since we moved, but I'm so grateful to have these bags of wool left to remember them by. Kaiya cleaned and carded a little bit of it and will use it to stuff a little pillow. This week we will make her own set of knitting needles and then began to knit! I think you all know this mama is looking forward to it.

At the end of this week I will start up the Waldorf homeschooling link up again. Hope you all will join in. Have a great week!