This has been a really difficult, frustrating week. One that I have mostly spent running from one mess to another, breaking up one fight after another. Suppressing rage at a certain co-parent that just doesn't seem to give a ... It's been one of those weeks where one person doesn't seem like near enough.

And then there is the issue of a certain toddler that wants to see how many bumps and bruises one head can possibly hold and how high can she
really climb and what's going to happen to this glass when I throw it on the floor? Oh, well, let's try another... still broken. And the lamp. Doesn't this picture make such a nice sound when I rip it in half? Yeah, a lot of that this week.

Now, at this point you're probably thinking, 'Well, Julie, why the heck aren't you watching your kid?' I do, I am. Right now, I'm watching her coloring right beside of me, knowing that in a blink of an eye she could set her sights on something I'm not anticipating and she's off! Or, you know, I've gotta make dinner and she's there but all it really takes is two seconds and she's done it again!
She's a toddler, I get that. But, I have had two other children. She's nothing like them. And there's no stopping her. And I think she's giving me grays. And why in the world did I not see that she was growing to throw that cup full of colored pencils in the floor right now? I should have seen that one coming.

I've banned the use of stickers, at least for today. Do you know, I walked outside two days ago and must have picked three dozen heart stickers off of plants, fence posts, windows, the side of the house? And I'm still finding them. Kaiya said there would be a sticker hunt. I don't think I fully understood what that entailed.

I'm glad the weekend is here. Truly, as a stay-at-home, single mom, there's really not a lot of difference between weekday and weekend. But it's a state of mind, right? And the girls' dad comes and they spend their days with him (whenever he decides to show) and that's a nice break.

And I could certainly use the break. Next week will be better. They usually are. I'm going to spend the weekend resting, putting off the work I had planned to do til next week so I can get a little rejuvenated. Mama just can't run on empty, you know?
How are you spending your weekend?
P.S. Tomorrow the winner will be drawn
to win this gorgeous bag. Have you entered yet?
Lise · 712 weeks ago
meredith · 712 weeks ago
thiscosylife 81p · 711 weeks ago
This Cosy Life
angie · 712 weeks ago
thiscosylife 81p · 711 weeks ago
Thank you, Angie!
This Cosy Life
Celeste · 712 weeks ago
thiscosylife 81p · 711 weeks ago
Thank you for that, I really do need the reminder. It's so hard to loose focus when you're in the thick of it. I got your other message and you're right, there's never enough when you're a single mom. I have wonderful parents but, honestly, I really do lack support as the rest of my family looks down on me for my decisions and think I should get back with my husband. it's been nearly two yrs, get over it! So, you really have no idea what the loving and supportive words of strangers means to me. ♥
This Cosy Life
katieh · 712 weeks ago
just saying.
thiscosylife 81p · 711 weeks ago
Wouldn't you know, it's my brother's childless (for not too much longer) girlfriend that comes down on me the hardest and spreads it around to others. She will soon learn, I suppose.
This Cosy Life
Melanie · 711 weeks ago
<3 hugs
thiscosylife 81p · 711 weeks ago
This Cosy Life
germandolls · 711 weeks ago
thiscosylife 81p · 711 weeks ago
I know you are so right. I can't wait for those days!
This Cosy Life
Cecilia · 711 weeks ago
thiscosylife 81p · 711 weeks ago
BTW, I've announced a winner and closed comments. I'll forward her address to you just as soon as I hear back from her. ;-)
This Cosy Life
Nahuatl Vargas · 711 weeks ago
A hug.
thiscosylife 81p · 711 weeks ago
This Cosy Life
Marian · 711 weeks ago
Laura · 711 weeks ago