Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sharing Our Light On Martinmas

Martinmas is tomorrow and today we made tealight candles for our lanterns and made a few toilet roll candles for gifts.

I was so inspired by this sweater wearing candle that I knew we just had to make them. I kept it really simple so the girls could do it themselves. They cut the cuffs of of a few felted wool sweaters and they were the perfect size for these pint? jars. They easily slipped right over. We're going to give them to a few special people and share our light this Martinmas.
Our first, actually. I'm loving the quiet warmth and simplicity of this festival. And am yet also in awe of the rich, subtle layers. Isn't that the beauty of these 'Waldorf' festivals? Such a rich history of tradition and what seems to be very simple is really layered in subtleties that are so enriching and satisfying to the soul.

I had meant to take pictures of our lanterns today but didn't get around to it. I'll share them tomorrow. Now I have a few things I need to have done before bed, so goodnight.