We made some easy peasy cookie cutter beeswax candles like the ones found here. To make them stand we used 6 layers.

Not all the layers turned out perfectly, but that's OK, we just put those on the inside and smoothed everything out with our fingers.

I love how they turned out. We'll be making more very soon! There was also a special guest appearance by my mom who came over and helped the girls make the banana bread.
Once everything was made we packaged them up and made some very quick deliveries before Kaiya and I had to leave for ballet class.

By the way, thank you all so much for sharing your experiences with me on my last post. I'm glad to hear that it's not just me that has a hard time handling made to order work. I'm still thinking a lot about this, working out some details in my mind and I'll let you know what I decide on later. But that's about all I have time for today. Must get to work!