Well, here we are. Just hours away from a certain little one's birthday. She's obviously not feeling very well at the moment but you can't tell very much in the daylight hours. Really, the telling signs are a constantly oozing nose and fitful sleeping. Fitful.. that's a nice word for it. Let's just say I'm praying for sleep tonight. I do hope it passes during the night.
I don't think I've mentioned it but River's speech has just taken off in the past month or two. She went from saying just a few random words to sentences and attempting to say just about everything in a short period of time. And let me tell you, it was the breakthrough I've waiting for since she took her first steps at 7.5 months. I know I've mentioned what a wild child she is. But this new speech development seems to have been the equalizer she needed. As though all that frustration of not being able to properly communicate has eased and she has a newfound peacefulness. She's just more easy going and, dare I say, a wee bit mellow. That's probably a stretch but it certainly has eased her mama's daily frustration.
Anyhoo, I'm not quite finished with the birthday stuff so I'm gonna go knit. Goodnight, all!
lori · 685 weeks ago
eidolons · 685 weeks ago
Andrea from ziezo · 685 weeks ago
meredith · 685 weeks ago
Nikki Van De Car · 685 weeks ago
Lenka · 685 weeks ago
And I hope you got some sleep!