I know I have been tense, and overwhelmed and so very frustrated. And I'm beginning to feel as though I'm doing it all wrong and not really doing anything too well. Do you ever feel that way? Like you're dropping the ball and fucking everything up? And everyone is standing there watching you drop it and judging the hell out of you. At least, in my case, many are standing and watching and judging... good ole' family. Oh, and will someone please clue me in on when it gets easier? I mean, sure, I don't feel like my heart is being ripped out and smashed to bits anymore... but, my god, it sucks so bad sometimes. Last night my husband (yes, still technically my husband, but no, not for any particular reason. I guess I just haven' t felt the need to really move on and maybe that's my problem.) spent the evening here with the girls and put them to bed. Kaiya cried so hard, not wanting him to leave. Where the hell did that come from? It's been nearly two years but they so often ask me, why can't Daddy live with us? I wish Daddy could see us every day. And, I still don't know how to respond to that.
It breaks my heart and, I will admit it, I am beginning to get lonely. Changes... haven't helped me to move on. They've just left me confused and overwhelmed. And my point was, I've lost parts of me along the way. Some days I feel like I'm a truer me than I've ever been before but I think perhaps that doesn't go so deep...
And I really don't think I have anymore to say about that right now. Just needed to get it all out. If you made it to the end of this post, thanks for listening.
eidolons · 714 weeks ago
thiscosylife 81p · 714 weeks ago
thiscosylife 81p · 713 weeks ago
Ximena · 714 weeks ago
Warm regards from Chile.
thiscosylife 81p · 713 weeks ago
Nahuatl Vargas · 714 weeks ago
So, I'm here if is of use.
Hope soon you'll feel better.
thiscosylife 81p · 713 weeks ago
I so value the connections that come from the blogging community, women like you that truly embrace one another. It means so very much to me. ♥
Oh, btw, I saw your comment on my giveaway post. I would love to host a giveaway for you one Monday. You can contact me through my email thiscosylife@yahoo.com
This Cosy Life
Huggermugger · 714 weeks ago
Meanwhile, there's an early birthday present heading your way, since I am trying to get things out of my house that I don't really need to move. Hope it brightens up your day whenever it arrives!
I love you.
thiscosylife 81p · 713 weeks ago
I did take my mom's advice about the garden, it really was too much, and as it is, I always feel so dreadfully behind, anyway. I am looking for more areas to cut so I am not stretched so very thin.
Coffee just us sounds really wonderful! You have always been such an impartial, objective eye and I really need that right now
Oh, and I just got your package today. Thank you! It really did brighten my day and made the girls so happy to get a few things in the mail, too. Can't wait to see you in August (hopefully) and congrats on the house!!
This Cosy Life
Huggermugger · 713 weeks ago
I'm so glad your girls liked the books! I've gradually gotten all 4 of the fairy books for Mercy, they were the first books she really connected with. And we got the other one from the library a couple weeks ago and it made me think of you every time I read it, especially the page where they're knitting directly from the sheep :-)
Marian · 714 weeks ago
thiscosylife 81p · 714 weeks ago
This Cosy Life
Stacey · 714 weeks ago
thiscosylife 81p · 714 weeks ago
Andrea · 714 weeks ago
I have stumbled upon your blog via another kindred spirit of ours.
I have read your bio and it shows you to be an amazing person. After reading this post, my heart and soul are reaching out to yours.
I'm sending you peace and love now, and a gentle reminder that although there are often questions that may go unanswered at certain times, I don't think it hurts to ask. I too, am not religious at all, but spiritual in that I believe that the universe is worthy of our praise and holds answers to most of our prayers.
May you find an answer, whether it be a feeling, a dream, an intuitive knowing to bring you solace and show you that you are right where you are meant to be :)
If I could, as well recommend to you: Gary Zukav's writing...The Seat of The Soul, The Heart of The Soul...awesome works :)
Also: The song "Solace" by Xavier Rudd (or any of his stuff )
May the peace of a gentle summer breeze rustling through the trees be with you.
Love, Andrea
thiscosylife 81p · 713 weeks ago
Thank you again, truly. ♥
This Cosy Life
Andrea · 714 weeks ago
Melanie · 713 weeks ago
thiscosylife 81p · 713 weeks ago
This Cosy Life
Andrea · 713 weeks ago
I hope today is bringing you peace...and yes, Mr. Rudd is wonderful. If you ever have the chance to see him live - "you go girl" - it's an absolute soul-thirst quenching experience.
Kara · 713 weeks ago
thiscosylife 81p · 712 weeks ago
This Cosy Life