Well, this is what I came up with. I'm fairly happy with it, though, it still needs some adjustments. Doesn't fit quite like I'd like it to. But I must say, my friend's little girl looks pretty sweet in it. And it's really hard to go wrong with Malabrigo Worsted, anyway.
I'd like to say this gave me the break-through I was hoping for, but no, I'm still pretty stuck. Maybe I should take this as a sign to work on some other projects. Like, perhaps, the tempting stack of cardstock sets I've been collecting.
Here's another soaker for my girl. She's growing so fast, so more undies are in order. I made this a few weeks ago but I'm sharing this with you because, a) I've been having issues getting my photos uploaded to Ravelry, and though I had to skip the uploading and bring them in from Flickr, they're there now, finally.
And, b) because I don't know if you've made this pattern or not (assuming you have a wee babe in cloth diapers), but it's really fantastic. I love this one. It's the only one I make anymore. You should give it a whirl.
And on to more good things... giveaways! I've won several in the past couple of years and my mom is always jealous so I've been rounding them up for her and posting them on my facebook, so I'm going to share them with you, too. Saturday is the day for giveaways, at least on the blogs I frequent. So here is Saturday's giveaway round-up.
OK, go enter now!
Have a beautiful Saturday!
Have a beautiful Saturday!