My needles have been relatively still for the past month or so. I have cranked out another soaker for River. Not much choice there, as she's growing like an absolute weed! And I've filled a few orders, a crown
here, teething doll
there. Feeling a little ho hum in my craft of choice, of late.

After River was born
I struggled for a few months. During this time I knitted like a
mad woman....
Mad woman! My mother suggested I was using my knitting as an escape. I think she was right. The crazed, marathon knitting has stopped and I am feeling a lot healthier now. But, truth be told, I've not really picked up my needles in earnest in awhile. I've been busy, I guess, distracted. So many big things happening in our lives right now and by the end of the day every part of me is simply worn out.

Well, I am determined to dive in and get back on the ball.... of yarn. On a super sad note;
my favorite local yarn shop is closing.
Truly devastating.
But, on the upside, they've marked all yarn down 40 percent off. My tiny, single mom budget doesn't allow much but I couldn't resist getting just a few. And my parents got me
this as an early birthday present (not til August) and so I also couldn't resist winding them right away. You wanna talk about fun! Me and my swift, BFF's to the end. I bought these last weekend and have since held them and stroked them every night, taken about a gagillion pics of them, but knitting?...... Sigh, I am in need of a little inspiration. I
am thinking about a few of
these for the girls out of this splendid sock yarn (up) from
Cherry Tree Hill. Maybe.

And I promised you feet. Don't ask why, just go with it.

P.S. I just wanted to thank you all so much for the wonderful comments you left on my
last post. It really does mean a lot to know that someone is thinking of you in times like these.