Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Yarn Along

Knitting and reading along with Ginny.
On the needles; one of these for a customer and not so much on the book front. After last week's 'starter book' I did pull out a few I was trying to decided between and you know what? They still sit in their little pile, uncracked. So instead I am sharing the magazines I'm reading; the latest issues of Living Crafts and Knitting Today. And I have to say, the article on making wooden woodland animals has me really wanting to try my hand at making some wooden toys for the girls. So, there you have it, I am a reading drop-out. For now anyway.
And please stop in on this post about hand knit hand me downs and let me know what you think.


nest full of eggs said...

i enjoy reading magazines, too :)

Sarah said...

I want to make wooden things so badly, too! I can't stop thinking up ideas of animals and little scenes to create that way! I wonder if I can still pick up that issue? Would be perfect b/c we've been reading The Mitten a lot lately! Also, that heart hat is so cute!

Emily said...

Someday I'm going to get a chance to see all those great American magazines we can't get over here!! Your knitting looks so super-soft; great to have met you through Yarn Along! XX

Anonymous said...

I've never read Living Crafts yet, looks intriguing!

MJ said...

So, because of you I went ahead and ordered Living Crafts :). I had been thinking about it and thought "I already have too much to read!", but then I saw your post, and well, is there such a thing as too much inspiration? :). So, thanks for the push (wink)!!

KnitterMama said...

I am so intrigued and so scared of woodwork... Living Crafts is simply wonderful, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Hi there. I just found your blog today, and I Am super impressed!

Rosina {Rosy ~ Posy} said...

I can't wait to read the article on carving wooden animals for the kids to but the bookstore hasn't got that issue in yet :( Oh the torture of waiting *grin*.

You had asked what yarn I was using for the rainbow socks I'm knitting and it is 'Fame Trend' by Marks & Kattens and the color is Party: dye lot 653. It's such a fun wool :) Have a wonderful weekend!

Elisa said...

I just checked out the living crafts blog. How fun! That heart hat is so cute.

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