Saturday, August 28, 2010
The Kitten and Saturday's Giveaway List
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A Few Minutes
Monday, August 23, 2010
On (Not) Halting Production
I cannot make things, people, the world always go as I want them to. Shit happens and hearts get broken... it's inevitable. That does not, however, entitle me to curl up and die (that is, speaking figuratively, of course. No need for alarm.) Let's just be real here, divorce happens every day. It hurts like hell but at this moment there are so many women just like me going through the exact same thing. My inability to move the fuck on is is no way unique. Does that make my loss and pain any less real and acute? Of course not. But for every one of the women where I am right now is another woman who pulled it together, at last, and has found peace and perhaps, if I dare say... happiness.
This is not the end. I don't want to be here (in this) but I don't really have much control over that, now do I? But the one thing we always have some say in, no matter what occurs, is our reaction. I can shut myself off and curl up and die, which is in no way useful to either me or my three children, or I can get up and keep going. How in the world can I expect to move through something if I'm sitting here in the floor having a pity party for myself? And what does that teach my girls?
Sadness, in a situation like this, is an entirely appropriate response. But I will not let it define me. This is me getting up and continuing on my journey through this. I will not linger, I will not cease.
I actually already have some ideas on which direction to go. This does have to be the 'be all, end all' defining moment in my life. I want to do some charity knitting. If you do or have any excellent resources for me, please do share. Also, if you are involved in any other kind of charity work I would love to hear about it. And I have this project that involves you, yes, you and I'm so very excited to get started on it. More on that later.
Bear with me, please. Lots more ugly feeling to come, I'm sure. Just please remind me not to dwell on them. Release and let go.....
Saturday, August 21, 2010
This has been a rather hard week for me. I've just trudged through it rather ungracefully, I'm afraid to say.
Please say this does get easier. I know it must, I just can't see that now. So today I think I'll be nice to me, rest, as I'm tired most of the time anymore, and not beat myself up all day. He will come and take all three girls to his house today. I still loathe my baby being away from me, but today I won't complain, I do need the time.I've been away from this space quite a bit lately. Looking down I see Saturday posts and that's about it. I do tend to withdraw when times are going rough. I don't think this helps. So, please, hold me accountable, I'll be here more. I will write, about the good and the bad, I will not fade away again.
I think this song sums it up. I found it on this beautiful blog, digging through her archives one night this week.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Actual Factual Knitting!
And for the Saturday giveaways;
Stubby Pencil Studio
Nursing Nightgowns
Cloth Pads
Creative Awakenings Book and MORE
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Wishing and Hoping
If you were given $100 to spend on Etsy, what would you buy?

CraftGossip is giving away 3 Etsy shopping sprees (each to a maximum value of $100). They will also pay for shipping.
What's on your wish list?
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Fun Science and Saturday's Giveaway List
Some photos from our trip the science center yesterday.
And for you, this Saturday's giveaway list;
Yummy smelling organic body car for you or baby
Fat Quarters
Knitted toys and hand-dyed yarn
Mini diary
Skin Free Skincare
Good luck to you and have a happy weekend!
Yummy smelling organic body car for you or baby
Fat Quarters
Knitted toys and hand-dyed yarn
Mini diary
Skin Free Skincare
Good luck to you and have a happy weekend!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Now That's Much Better
I'm going to make another red in the same Malabrigo. This one is already up in the shop.
Spent a great day at the science center with my mom and the girls. I'll share some pics tomorrow.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Adventures in Breastfeeding
Did you know that this week is World Breastfeeding Week? An entire week devoted to art of nourishing our babes.
My own adventures in breastfeeding began on May 31, 2005, when Kaiya, my first born came sliding into our lives. I tried right away to put her to my breast but had no luck getting her latched on. She had still not latched on by the time the midwives were ready to leave, so they encouraged me to continue trying, suggesting different techniques and said they would call in the morning and return in twenty-four hours.
During the night we tried and tried but nothing I could do helped her to latch. I felt so defeated . In the morning my midwife called to see how we were and advised that I hand express colostrum and give it to her on a sterilized spoon, so I did until she came again that evening, bringing with her a chiropractor, aka; sweet angel of breastfeeding bliss. I don't know exactly what she did, as a matter of fact, as she was doing it I didn't realize she was doing anything. She held her head gently and light touched the back sides of her head and voila! My baby latched on and nursed happily away for the next four years. She said that such and such had gotten out of line during delivery and just needed to be pushed back in or something or other. I don't really know as the only sound I heard was the sweet sucking of Kaiya at my breast.
She nursed right on through my pregnancy with Zoe as my milk didn't totally dry up.
My own adventures in breastfeeding began on May 31, 2005, when Kaiya, my first born came sliding into our lives. I tried right away to put her to my breast but had no luck getting her latched on. She had still not latched on by the time the midwives were ready to leave, so they encouraged me to continue trying, suggesting different techniques and said they would call in the morning and return in twenty-four hours.
During the night we tried and tried but nothing I could do helped her to latch. I felt so defeated . In the morning my midwife called to see how we were and advised that I hand express colostrum and give it to her on a sterilized spoon, so I did until she came again that evening, bringing with her a chiropractor, aka; sweet angel of breastfeeding bliss. I don't know exactly what she did, as a matter of fact, as she was doing it I didn't realize she was doing anything. She held her head gently and light touched the back sides of her head and voila! My baby latched on and nursed happily away for the next four years. She said that such and such had gotten out of line during delivery and just needed to be pushed back in or something or other. I don't really know as the only sound I heard was the sweet sucking of Kaiya at my breast.
She nursed right on through my pregnancy with Zoe as my milk didn't totally dry up.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Premature Autumn
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