Good morning and happy Monday! Perhaps it's not morning where you are. But here, it's such a cool morning. Makes me feel Autumn is so very close.

Our days have been very full but, truthfully, I'm eager to see the wide expanse of summer come to a close. Do you ever feel there's only so much of that wide openness and high energy you can take?
Kaiya has been spending much of her time hand stitching. Her grandma has been showing her how to make tiny doll quilts. It's all she wants to do and I've been having to actually make them go outside. Zoe isn't into it but she won't go without her. Otherwise, they don't sleep well and they're at each others throats. Not making for a happy home.

We've gotten out of the habit of all going out together and that really needs to end. We all need our daily doses of fresh air and exercise. I've been a little consumed with my work recently and am struggling to strike a balance. I'll have to get it together this week, though, as next Monday will be our first day of school. Zoe going into Kindergarten and Kaiya moving up to first grade. They're excited, I'm feeling unprepared. We'll get there, though.

Which brings me to a question for all of you, dear readers. Please tell what your cleaning routine is like. As it is, I clean on Mondays. That's the day to scrub everything and bring the entire house into order all at once. I do it on Mondays because I like to start the week out clean and fresh. But with school stating up I really don't think it would be prudent to begin our week with the whole first day spent doing that instead of school work. So how do you do it? Do you have a day when you do everything, or do you do certain tasks on certain days? Of course, I keep the house tidy and the floors swept and the counters wiped clean and beds made every day, but I'm talking about scrubbing the kitchen thoroughly and the bathroom and dusty and moping.... Please share with me!
Now I've still got material reading to cram and a first week to plan. I hope to be back very soon. I don't like staying from here so long. You know, once a day or two rolls by it's easy to let another a week and month or more go by without blogging. But I enjoy it and love to hear from all of you, so I'm not going to let that happen.
Hope you have a wonderful start to your week, friends!