It's been one of
those weekends. Zoe has been sick, like puking and fever sick. Better now, thank goodness, but the car seat is a little worse for the wear. We've had issues with our heating monitor, making me pretty grateful that I have the wood stove to fall back on. And River has been teething. She's really OK during the day, but at night, very restless, waking frequently to cry a little, thrash about and nurse relentlessly. Last night was especially awful as she had gotten herself nice and awake just as I was going to bed with her at 11:30. I didn't get back to bed with her til 1:30 and from then on sleep was really more off than on anyway. Needless to say, I am one tired mama this morning. But, I am putting forth positive energy and thoughts, this will be a beautiful, productive week. Weekend blahs be gone!

Today is Monday, cleaning day. I love getting the week off to a nice
clean start this way. I've tried breaking up the different cleaning day chores and spreading them throughout the week but I miss that feeling of everything being done and clean to start with so I prefer to knock it all out in one day. I also like to take the time to do a little weekly decluttering, thinning down our possessions and trashing or giving away things we do not need, aren't enhancing our life or are just in the way. It really amazes me when, on a regular basis, I take out two or three large garbage bags or boxes full of things
and there is still so much left! Our house is not crammed full and we're not pack rats at all. I do admit to previously having a hard time getting rid of anything I felt might be used for crafts and Christmas decorations but I have pared those down considerably. I also used to collect a few things, pretty dishes and teapots. But, that too I've pared down and let go of most of it. Still, it feels like there is just too much
stuff in this house and little by little I am working through it and getting it out of here. I think rather than our house being crammed full, it's more that I have changed so much over the years and now know more of what is important to me and more about what I really want to surround myself with, and, as it turns out, that's very little.
I read
a blog post the other day, she said that people would come to her house and ask if she was moving and had already packed. That's what I aspire to. Minimal things, open spaces.

It really is an emotional attachment, though. I'm not talking hoarding or anything like that, but it really is difficult to separate ourselves from things. Old mementos, things we might need in the future, a picture that we've hung on the wall of every house or apartment we've ever lived in. It's so hard to get past the what if I may need or want to use this again. What if I miss it or just want to look at it again? Which is why I do this little by little. Little by little I see that I don't miss those things I throw out and really, I don't even remember most of them.
With these thoughts in mind, I am adding another
little hat to the
Hand Knit Hand Me Down pool. I'll give it to the first commenter.
I hope your day is joyful and productive!