We started work in the gardens over the weekend. Early spring I could just work out there all day, no heat setting in yet. The girls were eager to help us. We got this front area (pictured) free of weeds, cut back the old monkey grass in the shaded garden and pulled out a ton more from the front strip. My aunt lived with us several years ago and went crazy planting the stuff, and I really don't care for it at all. We left some but in front of the house is was beginning to take over and I pulled it all out to put in some cutting flowers.

We have a little space here and a little space there, empty spots, hodge podge all around the house. So the plan is to put cutting flowers in the front and side piece and vegetables in the back. Most of the back is reserved for the sheep, alas, so we're fitting beds in wherever we can. I am hoping to be able to plant enough cutting flowers to be able to take some bouquets with me to the farmer's market this year, maybe some herbs as well.
I've gotta say, it feels so
great to be getting outside, without jackets as Kaiya points out, and breaking ground on the spring and summer work. I hope to actually get some planting done tomorrow and the garden will really be on it's way!

On a side note, I have decided that the white duck is actually a hen... three hens = no baby ducks
but it does mean more eggs. Though, I believe they have begun hiding them from me. They were laying in the sheep shed, in their hay no less. For several days we got three duck eggs a day (which is how I figured on the third hen) and now maybe one, maybe none. I know they won't all lay every day but it's been dwindling and now down to zero. Though, I don't know what they think they're going to do with them without a drake around to fertilize. Looks like I'm in for a pre-Easter egg hunt.