I'm yarning along with Ginny from Small Things today. I haven't in some time, mainly because I'm always knitting toys, toys and more toys. And, really, they're the same ones over and over so I figured I would spare you that. But I'm squeezing in a few rows of this one here and there because River has to have a new soaker!!, no ifs, ands or buts about it.
This is so embarrassing, but it's the same soaker I was working on here, Rav notes here. Shows you just how much personal knitting I get done. It's still a great pattern, still dig the yarn, yada, yada, yada.
The book, however, is not the same. This one is 'Reflecting Children's Lives; A Handbook for Planning Child Centered Curriculum', written by Deb Curtis and Margie Carter. I'm just a few chapters in but really loving it. It's actually written for preschool teachers but I think it definitely extends to home educators.
I've been a few chapters in for the past few weeks now. I really better get to reading, I've got a whole stack of books here on my desk, begging to be cracked. I keep thinking I'll read when the ex has the girls, but I make the mistake of taking the book into my bedroom to read on the bed... big mistake. I cannot resist the call of my pillows.
What's on your needles?
P.S. Don't forget to enter this week's giveaway!