We found rose hips, which reminded me that I've been wanting to do something with them. I've never tried to make rose hip tea or anything like that, but I would like to try. I love how things like these red beauties suddenly stand out against all the dying grasses.
Something else about Fall... it makes me want to cook and bake and I get mad creative. Are you this way? Something in the air I guess, but I love it!
I'm beginning to think of winter holidays, making gifts. I want to celebrate Martinmas for the first time this year and I'm thinking that knitting something warm for each of my girls would be nice. Will you be making many gifts this year? I hope to be able to get the girls a new kitchen for Solstice. A few years back my inlaws got them a fiberboard one and, of course, it's falling apart. I've been waiting for it to do so, as it's not at all what I had wanted for them. I would like to purchase a solid wood piece that is going to last.
Someone contacted me on Ravelry a couple of days ago, inquiring as to whether I would be designing any new peg dolls for Christmas. I do have several ideas floating around.. I just hope I can find the time to knit them out and work up the pattern for all of you.
Well, I hear little ones beginning to stir. Hope your Thursday is wonderful and productive!