I cut out rectangles of wool felt, about 7x5".
I used small cookie cutters (1.5-2") to trace leaves onto scrap felt and drew some even smaller ones by hand. Cut these out.
To fill the pillow I mixed 2 parts dried lavender to one part rice (I ended up with 3 cups because I got a little carried away but I'll find a use for the rest). I added a dozen or so drops of lavender essential oil just because my lavender has been hanging around the crafting cupboard for some time and needed a little lift.
And we used embroidery floss to sew up the sides
and glue for the leaves (and to put Zoe's together). I use this glue. I use it for all my toys... love it.
Fold your felt in half length-wise and sew it up around one short end and the long end. You can use a whip stitch, blanket stitch, running stitch... doesn't matter too much as long as you keep your stitches very close together and whatever is up to your child's skill level. Not really the project to teach a new stitch, I think, just because you want to make sure all those little buds and the rice don't escape.
When you get to the short opening fill the pillow one half-two thirds full of the lavender mixture. We used a funnel or you could just use a small cup. Then finish sewing it up.
Apply a little glob of glue to the middle of your leaves and press them onto the front of the pillow. Let dry.
The girls have put theirs away for Solstice gifts but I think I'm going to put together a 'Calm Down' basket for them and add mine to it. I'll share more of leaf week on Saturday.