I used wool locks for her hair. I really love the soft look they give her. As though she weren't soft enough, yeah. This was my first time using locks. They were such fun to arrange and needle felt into place. The whole thing was a lot of fun to work on. I can't wait to make up a bunch more. You may even find a few in my little shop at some point.
It's a rainy dreary day out so I couldn't really capture the loveliness of the silk. But we painted them with watercolors and it has such a gorgeous shift of pink to peach to yellow. I loved the results of this technique so much that I'm going to paint some larger silk pieces to make curtains for the girls' bedroom window.
And I'm going to send you off with a winner for this week's giveaway....
Sunshine Mama
Congratulations! I'm going to contact you right now and you will have till 2-21 to get back to me. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, friends!