All Christmas decorations have come down and been put to bed again til next year and a few winter things have taken their place
(salt dough stars the girls helped me make).

This week we've taken up our school work again. I will admit we'd gotten quite behind as I've been struggling to find the place my work will take amidst mothering/homemaking/homeschooling. But that is just something I will have to continue to work on til we find a rhythm that works for all of us. I have been learning that trying to 'do it all' only hurts us and some days certain things just have to take precedence and other things other days. That's a rhythm unto itself and something I am learning not to resist.
I took a brief holiday break and now am back at it....working on coming holiday things. I do love Valentine's Day so much. Working on things for this one really brings me joy.

So, that about sums it up... back to school, back to work, staying cosy, and enjoying the slower pace.