I've been working on a couple of new things for my shop. Actually the first thing, this balm, was something I made for my girls.

I had put together a 'Calm Down' basket for them....
a mind jar,
Rescue Remedy, and soothing stones. I found it very helpful, if for no other reason than the intentionality behind it, but I wanted to add something that I could apply to them, a salve or oil. What I came up with was
'Calming Balm', full of skin nourishing oils and soul soothing essential oils. Lavender, a favorite 'all-purpose' oil and chamomile.
The way I use it is, we go into a quiet room and lie down. Then I rub the balm along their forehead, over the nose and chin, all the while softly singing or talking with them. It works wonders! The calming scent, the gentle touch and soft voices, my being there with them.
Now it's our go-to balm. River is wearing underwear during the day but still a diaper at night. Poor thing suffers from diaper rash much more than my other girls and the calming balm is the only thing helping right now. And I can feel good about it because it's totally safe and gentle. We also use it for dry spots, itchy spots, dry lips.... anything!
I've made up just a few.. I think I have a dozen right now, and put them in my shop, just to see how they do. Right now I've handwritten the labels. We'll see about nice printed labels if I decide to make more to sell.

I must admit, I've temporarily abandoned my knitting. I'm finding more peace in very simple stitching at the moment.
I like these. They're wool felt, filled with dried lavender buds and rice.

I also wanted to tell you about a giveaway I'm doing over on the
Natural Kids blog for Mother's Day. And a sale from my friend Lucinda.
12% off in her shop right now. You should absolutely take advantage of it. My girls just adore her toys we have! Just use the coupon code MADAY12 at checkout.

Well, that's all for now. It's way past my bedtime!