Kaiya has been sick for the past few days. Nothing major but when Kaiya gets sicks, almost always, her asthma flares up. Last time it was bad enough to land us in the emergency room and they sent her home a couple of days later with this nebulizer. I was grateful to have it around when she began to have difficulty breathing a couple of days ago. She's breathing better now and is dying to get outside but I've kept her cooped up another day to make sure she doesn't get down with this again. Her daddy and several members of my family have asthma so I know how bad it can get. She only has issues with it when she's sick but every time she does I hold my breath, waiting for it to pass. I do hope she's feeling 100% tomorrow as she's so been looking forward to trick-or-treating.
And on to the giveaway list (Just wanted to note, the playsilk giveaway ends on the 31st, Halloween!);
Acorn Fairy
Baby Shoe Pattern
Baby Legwarmers
Batik Onesie
Pumpkin Soap
Acorn Fairy
Baby Shoe Pattern
Baby Legwarmers
Batik Onesie
Pumpkin Soap
1 comment:
Poor Kaiya! We've had to rent a nebulizer twice for Daniel, and he had to use an inhaler for a while last spring. No asthma at all in either of our families, so the doc says it's probably something he'll outgrow -- just sometimes when he gets a bad cold he starts to wheeze. I'm praying this winter we won't go through all that again. If we do, we'll probably just buy the nebulizer instead of renting it for a couple weeks over and over (and then, of course, he'll never have the problem again and we'll have spent hundreds of dollars... oh well).
I hope Kaiya's better enough to enjoy her costume and Halloween fun!
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