This Cosy Life- Hi, Betsy, and welcome to Meltdown Monday! Tell us a little about yourself so we can know the person behind the work.
Betsy- I am a mother of two girls, one is seven years and the other six months. I live in Los Angeles, and therein, I try to create a simple life for my children. I hold classes for young children and their parents out of my home in Hollywood. I am very interested in my own spiritual development and all things childhood, and I am particularly attracted to the work of Rudolf Steiner as well as the many gifted mamas his work has inspired down the line.
This Cosy Life- What inspires your creations?
Betsy- I suppose childhood itself. I like to focus on the slightest of natural wonders through a child's eyes, which makes me humbly awe struck by the vast beauty of nature. I really love crafts made from wool because they seem to retain the etheric nature of childhood and give a glimpse of the unprocessed world.
This Cosy Life- How do you balance 'making' with mothering?
Betsy- Fortunately I teach a Waldorf-inspired mommy and me, where the mamas craft alongside the babies, so this particular pumpkin was dyed and needle felted alongside a warm fire with a group of lovely mamas and babies. Also, I find crafting is the easiest way to be with my older daughter. Fortunately, she loves crafting as well, particularly wool felting. So the answer is, I include them.
This Cosy Life- Thank you so much for for joining us for Meltdown Monday!
Today Betsy is giving away this lovely hand dyed and needle felted wool pumpkin.
OK, so to enter leave me a comment. You can let me know how your Monday is going or, better yet, tell me how you beat the dreadful Meltdown Monday or just say hi. Whatever.

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And for this giveaway you can gain one additional entry following Betsy's blog.
I will randomly pick a winner on Sunday October 23rd and announce here, on my blog. (Please, make sure I have a way to contact you!)
*Meltdown Monday Giveaways are open worldwide.
PS: If anyone is interested in participating in a Monday Meltdown giveaway, here on my blog, contact me here. Whether an item from your Etsy shop or just a little something you would like to give away to brighten someone's Monday, it's all good!