In they come, singing their own version of 'Happy Birthday' and carrying a heavy tray full of toast, jam, apples and homemade presents. Happy birthday, indeed!
I spent the day in the kitchen. Pretty much the whole day. I've been on a bit of a baking frenzy lately, taking much pleasure in trying new recipes, especially bread recipes. Money is really tight right now but I wanted to make Tait something special. Well, simple/special, which is what I do/like best.
Hummus. With extra garlic.
Naan. My first time making it. Love it and will make more. I baked it in the oven.
Cranberry walnut Swirl Bread, sans walnuts. Was supposed to be for breakfast but I was feeling lazy this morning so it's will be tomorrow's breakfast.
Carrot cupcakes.... from a mix! I asked him what kind of cake he wanted and he said carrot cake... 'Just buy a box.' I thought I'd take a break and just do it the easy way. Then I spent the whole day in the kitchen kneading 2 different types of bread and making hummus. Oh, well.
They were well received.
I'll be back tomorrow with some homeschooling inspiration.