Well, I'll not get ahead of myself. I should start with our Summer Solstice celebration.
This past Saturday we had an early celebration with friends. Nothing fancy, super simple. Veggie dogs and marshmallows toasted over a fire Tait built.
I made jars of lemonade and syrups to put in them from strawberries, blackberries and raspberries.
More Rosemary-Lemon cookies and blackberry cobbler.
We ate picnic style on blankets spread over the lawn. It was such a beautiful and mild day. It actually got down right chilly as the sun began to set. It was way past the girls' 6:30 bedtime but Summer Solstice comes but once a year.
We waited til it got dark and then we chased fireflies. They were being quite elusive this night so we sat back on the hill behind the house and watched them flicker in the distance. Pure magic.
I've always resisted summer. I hate the heat. I'm a rather imbalanced pitta type and am very agitated by the heat. It has taken me most of my life to realize that and I'm working to get in balance. But, I'm being very moved by the summer season this year. Every bit of it. The heat, the long days and cold kiddie pools. Standing knee deep in a blackberry patch with my little ones. I made jam for the first time yesterday. It was so good! I love my girls' sun kissed faces and new freckles. I loving watching weeds grow in the 'garden' that I have absolutely not planted a thing in this year. The heady scent of honeysuckles, the way warm sun feels as it pours into the window and over my bed in the morning. Summer feels just about like bliss right now. Bliss.