The birthday girl has finally settled down for the night and, I think it's safe to say, boy, it's great to be three! She tried to shimmy out of my bed quickly this morning but then the sister rushed in and there were presents and a birthday crown and the day just started out right for her.

What a sweet, happy-go-lucky girl we are blessed with and what a happy day she had. She's been singing 'Happy birthday to meee!!' all day. So excited!Her mama-made sweater... I used the In Threes pattern.
I don't know... not sure if she loves her dolly or not...
I mean, what do you think? She said "she can talk and she can play peek-a-boo!". Seriously, this is why I love making dolls. I'll share some better pics of her tomorrow.
But being three doesn't make her any less mama's baby. Just look at that tummy, will ya? I just want to eat her up!
Be sure to check back in with me tomorrow. I'll post better picture of the rag doll and will have progress pics of the giveaway doll, too. Have you entered yet? Only two more days!