Harvest time is here again
In the garden we must dig
Carrots, radishes, onions, too
All so fresh and yummy, too
Harvest time is here again
Won't be long til you know when (Thanksgiving)
Since Thanksgiving is just next week we focused this week on harvest time.
We made corn husk dolls after reading the Oneida legend of why the corn husk doll has no face (see resources at the end of the post).
Since this Friday is the last before Thanksgiving we worked on gratitude trees with our Waldorf homeschooling friends. Or, as I prefer to call it, a Thanks-Giving tree... but I'll go on about that in the tomorrow's post.
We went with watercolor leaves for our tree. Painting with friends is always fun and I really enjoyed watching just three colors swim and blend together so beautifully. I don't sit down and paint enough myself. I really should do it more often.
We will fill our tree over the week. The small bowl beside holds the rest of our leaves.
We also made a yummy, veggie soup with our friends. We brought all the veggies to the table and everyone pitched in with the chopping.
Yes, right on the table. My table is a mess of paint and crayon marks and beeswax and knife dents. We live here, darn it!
It was delicious and our girls were very proud of their contributions.
Harvest Time
Here's What We Do At harvest Time
Why the Corn Husk Doll
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