He is finished! And the girls really love him. He sits periodically on our seasonal shelf, but mostly he's being toted around, engaging in battles with our knight puppet (Which I just happened to find a whole set of, knight, king, princess and dragon(!), right in the girls' puppet drawer. I didn't even realize we had them.).

Anyway, should you so desire to make a dashing dragon of your own ( and I recommend you do) I will remind you that the pattern can be found
here, for free. The front of his face should be green, but I confused myself, using red as the secondary color when the designer used it as the primary color. So, when the piece said 'red'... well, I was confused and didn't realize til he was all together and, at that point there was just no way I was going to take him apart. It gives him character!

We kicked off a week of
Michaelmas yesterday. During circle time I told them the tale of George and the Dragon,
this version. Kaiya was a little disturbed by it at first, the dragon being killed part. I could tell as she suddenly was very tired and didn't want to hear a story anymore. So I quickly got to the part about the king being so happy his daughter was saved and George was a hero! This perked them both right up and today they asked to hear it again.

A page that randomly fell out of a book, that I didn't even realize contained the story of George and Dragon. I didn't care for that telling of the story but I liked to add the picture to our seasonal shelf.

The girls have been quite enthralled with the story. Zoe especially is loving drawing dragons and knights. In the picture above, from left to right; the king, the princess, George and the dragon.
Tomorrow I will fill you on what we did today and share some thoughts on Michaelmas and celebrating seasonal festivities from a non-religious perspective.